Friday, March 09, 2007

Quote from Dave Andrews


I am currently reading "Can You Hear the Heartbeat" by Dave Andrews of the Waiters Union, which is a great little book Andrews' personal reflections and lessons learnt. Sorry, it is not up on the side panel as books we are reading because it is an old book and out of print and I could not find a pic of it anywhere...
Anyway, this Quote stood out to me, it is probably not the most insightful or deep, it just really struck something in me when I read it...
We must grow into a new maturity. A maturity which neither rejects faith in the possibility of change nor ignores the facts that say change is impossible, which acknowledges the difference between dreams and realities; yet recognises the difference God can make in turning Utopian dreams for the community into practical reality. We must begin to live as if the impossible is possible, because unless we do, nothing will Change.

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