Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I am excited by what I am reading

Hey everyone,
I know you don't hear from me much..........I don't get to the computer as often as Peter.
As part of my UNOH apprenticeship I am doing a full time course which will give me a certificate IV in Ministry at the end of this year. At the start of this course I was pretty anti the idea of studying, I am such a practical person and the idea of sitting in a classroom and reading endless books and then writing about it does not appeal to me..........
so yesterday I was struggling to get through all the reading and writing that I had to get done before tonight's class, and I tried to read the same thing about 4 times and realised I was reading the same paragraph over and over, when finally I really cleared my head and decided to make a go of it, and what I read blew me away. The reading was basically about the idea of Shalom......something I had heard before but didn't think about much. The usual English translation of shalom is peace.......but it was described as so much more in my reading.......it was described as "wholeness" or "completeness" and the text read as follows "in essence Shalom embraces Gods' desire to restore all things to the wholeness and harmony of relationship in which they were originally created"
This really excited me.......there was a lot more to the reading but I don't know if it's plagiarism if I keep copying bits into my blog........so anyway....if you wanna know more read : Living on purpose by Tom & Christine Sine.
I am again feeling very inspired by the idea of an all encompassing faith that is lived out in my whole life. Even living in the context I live in, I can sometimes forget that I am here because of God and because of my strong desire to live what I believe and to NOT have my faith and the rest of my life compartmentalised and separate. I am grateful that God reminds us of these things again and again.

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